The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has called on communities to add their support to apprenticeships by committing to action and change, ahead of National Apprenticeship Week 2022, from 7 to 13 February.
FE News reports that ACCA has asked parents, schools, colleges and training providers to pledge their backing of apprenticeships as an alternative route into accountancy as a profession through a new campaign called ‘ACCAprenticeships: Pledge for Potential’.
ACCA, the professional body for accountants, has long been an advocate for apprenticeships for the accountancy profession, which they claim to align with the association’s values of inclusion, integrity, and innovation, and they can potentially fast-track skills development, and provide a means of entry into the profession that a university degree is unable to.
Claire Bennison, the head of ACCA UK said: “By making one or more pledges, we can all back the benefits apprenticeships offer to trainees, employers and the economy.”
She explained that it is a chance to showcase the difference that apprenticeships can make to organisations, improve social mobility, and create opportunities for all.
She said that the Pledge for Potential demonstrates a commitment to apprenticeships, and provides support to young people seeking to take up accountancy as a career, as well as individuals looking to upskill for a new career or looking to take a new career path.
Claire offered examples of the type of pledges that could be made, saying that employers could pledge to offer apprenticeships, if they did not already, or take on more apprenticeships, or they could transfer their un-used levy find to a small or medium-sized business to ensure that great apprenticeship opportunities were available for more people.
ACCA pledges to continue to push the government to make the transfer simpler for all businesses and to promote the value of apprenticeships through the UK, she said.
Claire suggested training providers could pledge to help parents and schools to better understand the apprenticeship opportunities that are available to students.
She added that as a parent-governor, she would commit to speaking to schools about apprenticeships, and parents can pledge to talk to younger family members about the career pathways and opportunities available to them after they finish school, and that there are other options than university.
Organisations that make a pledge will be about to demonstrate their commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), said ACCA UK.
In particular, a pledge could show commitment to UN SDGs 4 and 8, which ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’ and to: ‘promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full productive employment and decent work for all.’
To make a pledge or find more information, go to ACCApprenticeships: Pledge for Potential.
In England, ACCA offers a Level 4 Accountancy Technician Apprenticeship and Level 7 Professional Accountant Apprenticeship. In Wales, ACCA offers a Level 4 Accountancy Technician Apprenticeship.
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